AB-60960277 - The Form of Music Default title

The Form of Music

9781860960277 brand: ABRSM
ISBN: 9781860960277, Stock code: AB-60960277 new
This book provides a clear introduction to musical forms and structures used by composers since the 17th century. Dealing first with the terms phrase and cadence, it extends from... Read more
  • Concise guide to musical structures of the tonal era
  • Text illustrated with many music examples
  • Invaluable introduction for music students, performers & music lovers
  • Provides key information on the final aural test
  • Pefect for higher grade Practical Musicianship candidates
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RRP £5.50
  • £4.68 when you buy 10+
  • £4.40 when you buy 20+
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The Form of Music

This book provides a clear introduction to musical forms and structures used by composers since the 17th century. Dealing first with the terms phrase and cadence, it extends from simple binary and ternary forms to cover all the principal classical and pre-classical forms, with analyses of key works. Throughout, the text is illustrated with plentiful music examples. This classic text is invaluable to those seeking a concise guide to musical form. It will assist higher grade candidates with the aural section of graded examinations and with the Practical Musicianship examinations.

Publication date: 04/09/1997
192 pages60960277

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Contents Contents
Chapter 1 - IntroductionWilliam Cole
Chapter 2 - Phrase and cadenceWilliam Cole
Chapter 3 - Simple Binary and ternary FormsWilliam Cole
Chapter 4 - Ternary Form and its Simple Extensions - Rondo FormWilliam Cole
Chpater 5 - Sonata FormWilliam Cole
Chapter 6 - Varied Types of Sonata FormWilliam Cole
Chpater 7 - The Complete SonataWilliam Cole
Chapter 8 - The ConcertoWilliam Cole
Chapter 9 - The OvertureWilliam Cole
Chapter 10 - The SuiteWilliam Cole
Chapter 11 - The Early SonataWilliam Cole
Chapter 12 - The Early Contrapuntal FormsWilliam Cole
Chapter 13 - FugueWilliam Cole
Chapter 14 - Air with VariationsWilliam Cole
Chapter 15 - Later TrendsWilliam Cole
Index of references to the historical Anthology of MusicWilliam Cole
Index of composers and compositionsWilliam Cole
Index of music examplesWilliam Cole
Glossary IndexWilliam Cole
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