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The glockenspiel is a percussion instrument that has either aluminum or steel bars, and it can also be called a carillion or campanelli. Part of the tuned percussion family, it can also be classed as a metallophone as mallets are used to hit the metal bars in order to create a clear, bright tone. Read more...
The glockenspiel is a percussion instrument that has either aluminum or steel bars, and it can also be called a carillion or campanelli. Part of the tuned percussion family, it can also be classed as a metallophone as mallets are used to hit the metal bars in order to create a clear, bright tone.
Steel is a dense material that creates a bright, bell-like tone when struck. It helps provide your playing with a pure, well-resonated sound.
Examples of steel bar glockenspiels we provide include the Yamaha professional 2.5 octave light weight glockenspiel with included case and mallets, and the Majestic Concert 2.5 octave glockenspiel with a smart, deep wooden case for increased resonance and sustain.
Aluminum bars are lighter than steel bars, however they still create a clear, direct tone when struck with a good resonance that carries well.
An example of an aluminum glockenspiel we provide is the Majestic Marching glockenspiel with carrier. The bars have been precision tuned and have a durable, anodized finish, and it also has double pin bar mounting for extra stability.
Examples of a 2 ½ octave range glockenspiel we have available is the Yamaha professional 2.5 octave glockenspiel, which has a range of F2-C5 and is tuned to 442Hz.
For a glockenspiel above 3 octaves, there is then the Yamaha 3.3 octave glockenspiel, which has a range of C4-E7 and is tuned to A440Hz.
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