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OUP-3355507 - Jackson Hymn to the Trinity (Honor, Virtus, et Potestas): Vocal score Default title

Jackson Hymn to the Trinity (Honor, Virtus, et Potestas): Vocal score

brand: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780193355507, Stock code: OUP-3355507 new
for SATB (with divisions) unaccompanied Read more
  • Voicing: SATB
  • Instrumentation: Choir
  • Composer: Gabriel Jackson
  • SATB (with divisions) unaccompanied
  • Publication date: 02/03/2006, 12 pages, Size: 254x178mm
  • part of the New Horizons series
RRP £4
  • £3.60 when you buy 10+
  • £3.50 when you buy 20+
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Jackson Hymn to the Trinity (Honor, Virtus, et Potestas): Vocal score

for SATB (with divisions) unaccompanied

A setting of the Trinity Sunday text with achingly pure and fluid melodic lines featured throughout, imbuing the piece with characteristic clarity and luminosity. The change to A major for 'Trinitati in Unitate' is radiant, as is the final section, in which the choir divides into eight parts to proclaim the glory of the Trinity. Uplifting and powerful, this is rewarding music for committed choirs3355507 | Jackson Gabriel | Jackson Gabriel | Jackson Gabriel | Jackson Gabriel
New Horizons showcases the wealth of exciting, innovative, and occasionally challenging choral music being written today. It encompasses the whole gamut of small-scale choral genres, both secular and sacred, and includes pieces for upper-voice and mixed choirs. With titles by some of the most accomplished choral composers active across the world, the series introduces new repertoire and fresh talent to a broad spectrum of choirs. New Horizons features composers with growing reputations for quality composition reflecting a strong individual voice. The series is continually expanding and should be the first place to look for attractive and performable contemporary choral music.

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