Chamberlain Music is a Department for Education approved supplier for the Musical Instruments, Equipment & Technology Framework

Play Your Ocarina Book 1 + CD

Brand: Ocarina Workshop SKU:
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Starting off - Essential guide for beginners, including 22 tunes to play. Also contains complete CD performances as well as high quality backing tracks for every piece in this book.

This book has 32 pages of tunes with ocarina fingercharts and traditionial musical notation, guitar chords and words to songs. A5 format, full colour cover. Also suitable for melody instruments such as violin, recorder and primary music groups.

Benefits of the ocarina

Ocarina Workshop ocarinas are accessible, and they produce a wonderfully clear and gentle sound, allowing everyone to express their musical creativity. Simplicity aids creativity, and with a limited number of holes to cover, pre-school children and pupils with the use of only one hand can play specially adapted 4-hole music on the one-handed ocarinas. Plus, this book includes tunes that are suitable for the whole class.