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Sing Freedom!

Brand: Novello SKU:
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Margaret Hamilton. This unique collection of songs from South Africa contains 35 songs of the people, performed in churches, workplaces and at gatherings. This book provides the first opportunity for churches, schools and colleges to perform these wonderful songs of liberation and Christian praise. Transcribed and introduced, including performance notes, by Maggie Hamilton and written for unaccompanied voices with guitar symbols for use with unison or two-part singing. The simplicity of many of the tunes and remaining parts makes them suitable for playing on glockenspiels, recorders or other melodic instruments. Published by Novello in association with Christian Aid. Contents: A Ndi Bonanga Umfana (I Did Not See The Shepherd) Abasundu Nabamhlope (Blacks And Whites) Afika Baba Mandela Daai Stones (Those Stones) Ehlatin'e Lusaka (In Lusaka Bush) Hamba Kahle (Go Well) Hamba Vangeli (Spread The Word) Hayo O Tshwanang Le Yena (There's No-one Like Him) Inzima Lendlela (This Road Is Heavy) Klim Op Die Wa (Get Onto The Wagon) Lerato Ia Jeso Le A Makatsa (The Love Of Jesus Is Wonderful) Mandela Prescribes For Freedom Mandela Wethu (Our Mandela) Manyanani Basebenzi (Workers Unite) Monateng Kapele (In Joy We Will Be Together) Nkosi Sikelel' Iafrika (Lord Bless Africa) Organize And Mobilize Parna Junda (The Flag) Release Mandela Rolihlahla Mandela Say'ilim Ingqolowa (We Are Ploughing Wheat) Senzenina (What Have We Done?) Siku Rin Gwana (One Day) Siyay Epitori (We Are Goin To Pretoria) Songena Sirubuluza (We Enter Crawling) Stop Killing Our Children Studente Sal Nooit Verloor (Students Will Never Lose) Thula Sizwe (Be Silent, Nation) Thuma Mina (Send Me) Tshollela Moya Wa Hao, Jesu (Pour Down Your Spirit, Jesus) Tumelo Yaka Ha Nkeke Ka E Lathla (My Faith, I Will Never Lose It) Umzabalazo (We Are The Woman) Uthando Lwakhe (God's Love) We! Mshlamane Uzungakholwa (Hey! My 'Friend', Don't Foget)