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GS33772 - W.A. Mozart: Le Nozze Di Figaro (Vocal Score) Default title

W.A. Mozart: Le Nozze Di Figaro (Vocal Score)

brand: G Schirmer
ISBN: 9780793512089, Stock code: GS33772 new
Mozart's 'The Marriage Of Figaro' was based on Beaumarchais' politically radical play - the second of the trilogy which begun with 'The Barber Of Seville' - later of course... Read more
RRP £37.50
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W.A. Mozart: Le Nozze Di Figaro (Vocal Score)

Mozart's 'The Marriage Of Figaro' was based on Beaumarchais' politically radical play - the second of the trilogy which begun with 'The Barber Of Seville' - later of course adapted into an opera by Rossini.

Italian/English. Translated by Martin.

Aprite un po' quegl'occhi from Le Nozze di Figaro
Aprite, presto aprite (Mozart)
Cinque...dieci (Mozart)
Cosa sento! Tosto andate (Mozart)
Crudel! perche finora (Mozart)
Deh Vieni, Non Tardar (The Marriage Of Figaro)
Dove Sono I Bei Momenti
Ecco La Marcia (Mozart)
Esci omai, garzon (Mozart)
Giovani liete (Mozart)
Il Capro E La Capretta (The Marriage Of Figaro)
In Quegli Anni
La Vendetta (The Marriage Of Figaro)
Non Piu Andrai (The Marriage Of Figaro)
Non So Piu Cosa Son (The Marriage Of Figaro)
Plain, pianin le andro (Mozart)
Porgi, Amor
Ricevete, o padroncina (Mozart)
Riconosci in questo (Mozart)
Se a caso madama (Mozart)
Se Vuol Ballare
Susanna, or via sortite! (Mozart)
Vedro Mentr'io Sospiro (Mozart)
Venite, inginocchiatevi (Mozart)
Via resti servita (Mozart)
Voi, Che Sapete (The Marriage Of Figaro)33772 | Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus | Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus

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