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ALF20048 - Accent On Composers Default title

Accent On Composers

brand: Alfred
ISBN: 9780739016831, Stock code: ALF20048 new
A complete music appreciation course in one, 120-page, reproducible book/CD package. For each of the 22 featured composers there is a bio (focusing on his or her personal life),... Read more
  • Includes works by Jay Althouse, Judy O'Reilly
  • The Music and Lives of 22 Great Composers, with Listening CD, Review/Tests, and Supplemental Materials
RRP £33.95
  • £30.56 when you buy 10+
  • £29.71 when you buy 20+
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Accent On Composers

A complete music appreciation course in one, 120-page, reproducible book/CD package. For each of the 22 featured composers there is a bio (focusing on his or her personal life), a portrait, a listing of the types of music he or she composed, composer factoids, and a time line. The CD contains a listening example for each composer. The reproducible listening guide includes information about each listening example and a second by second "what to listen for in the music." Also included are reviews (tests) for each composer, plus more than two dozen pages of supplementary material. And it's all reproducible! The comb binding creates a lay-flat book that is perfect for study and performance. Composers include: Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Copland, Debussy, Handel, Joplin, Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn, Mozart, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, and MORE!

20048 | Althouse Jay | Althouse Jay

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