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UE19842 - Radanovics: Tom Dooley and Lily of the West Default title

Radanovics: Tom Dooley and Lily of the West

brand: Universal
ISBN: 9790008038969, Stock code: UE19842 new
UE String Ensemble Read more
RRP £17.99
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Radanovics: Tom Dooley and Lily of the West

UE String Ensemble

Editor: Radanovics, Michael

Score and parts19842
The two pieces in this volume are arrangements for string ensemble of well known American folksongs. If possible, Tom Dooley should be played in triplet phrasing in order to achieve the desired swing feeling. Lily of the West is written in the style of fiddle music and should be played in a rather brisk tempo without dragging.

The compositions are intended for moderately advanced instrumentalists (student ensembles) and can be performed both solistically and chorally. The third voice can be played as readily by a violinist as by a violist.

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Lily of the West
Tom Dooley
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