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OUP-3514140 - Rutter Carol of the Magi: Set of parts Default title

Rutter Carol of the Magi: Set of parts

brand: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780193514140, Stock code: OUP-3514140 new
Commissioned by Red Balloon, an organization for bullied children, this tuneful epiphany carol's flowing vocal lines are underpinned by a beautiful cello solo. The cello part is sold separately... Read more
  • Voicing: SATB
  • Instrumentation: Choir
  • Composer: John Rutter
  • SATB, optional baritone solo, cello, & organ/string orchestra
  • Publication date: 03/11/2016, 48 pages, Size: 311x232mm
RRP £48.25
  • £43.43 when you buy 10+
  • £42.22 when you buy 20+
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Rutter Carol of the Magi: Set of parts

Commissioned by Red Balloon, an organization for bullied children, this tuneful epiphany carol's flowing vocal lines are underpinned by a beautiful cello solo. The cello part is sold separately and the string accompaniment is available on sale or rental. This set includes the following string parts: 4 x vln I, 4 x vln II, 3 x vla, 2 x vc, 1 x db3514140 | Rutter John | Rutter John

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