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OUP-3413269 - The Oxford Book of Easy Flexible Anthems: Spiral-bound paperback Default title

The Oxford Book of Easy Flexible Anthems: Spiral-bound paperback

brand: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780193413269, Stock code: OUP-3413269 new
This collection caters for church choirs of all types and sizes and presents flexibility of scoring in a constructive and realistic way, with particular provision for unison or two-part... Read more
RRP £26.25
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The Oxford Book of Easy Flexible Anthems: Spiral-bound paperback

This collection caters for church choirs of all types and sizes and presents flexibility of scoring in a constructive and realistic way, with particular provision for unison or two-part singing and a focus on ease of learning and performance. With complete coverage of the Church's year, this is a vital resource for all church choirs3413269

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Contents Contents
1John RutterA Gaelic Blessing
2Cecilia McDowallA Prayer of St Columba
3Richard HubbardA new commandment
4Thomas Hewitt JonesAlive in me
5William ByrdAlleluia
6Jacob ClemensAlleluia
7Alan BullardAnd art thou come with us to dwell?
8Alan BullardAve Maria (Hail, blessed Mary)
9W. A. MozartAve verum Corpus (Jeus, Lamb of God, Redeemer)
10Russell PascoeBe glad in the Lord, and rejoice!
11Bob ChilcottBe thou my vision
12Kerry AndrewBefore the ending of the day
13English folk song, arr. Alan BullardBethlehem, of noblest cities
14Antony BaldwinBlest are the pure in heart
15Oliver TarneyCome, Lord Jesus
16James Leith Macbeth Bain, arr. Mack WilbergBrother James's Air
17Oliver TarneyChrist be with me
18Alan SmithChrist the Lord is risen again!
19Malcolm ArcherCome, O come, our voices raise
20Mode viii melody, arr. Michael BedfordCome, Holy Spirit, Creator blest
21R. S. ThatcherCome, ye faithful
22Alan BullardEvening Service (Colchester Service)
23George DysonEvening Service in C minor
24Alan BullardFather, we praise you
25Sarah QuartelFill your hearts with joy and gladness
26Benedetto MarcelloGive ear unto me
27David BlackwellGlory to the Lamb
28David FawcettGod be in my head
29John Goss, accomp. Alan BullardGod so loved the world
30Trad. Irish, arr. Alan BullardHe, whom angels worship
31Alan BullardHosanna to the Son of David
32Philip MooreI believe
33David BlackwellLead me, Lord
34Malcolm ArcherIf ye love me
35American Spiritual, arr. Alan BullardIn my Heart
36Richard ShephardLift up your heads, ye mighty gates
37Trad. Kenyan, arr. Alan BullardLet all people praise you, Lord!
38Peter HurfordLitany to the Holy Spirit
39Richard Farrant or John HiltonLord, for thy tender mercy's sake
40Alan BullardMy spirit longs for thee
41Edmund JolliffeMay the road rise up to meet you
42James DavyMy Peace I Give Unto You
43Caleb SimperO how amiable
44John StainerO King and desire
45Edmund JolliffeO nata lux (O glorious light)
46William Boyce, adap. Alan BullardO praise the Lord
47Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga, adap. Alan BullardO salutaris Hostia (O thou, the saving sacrifice)
48DEO GRACIAS, arr. Rebecca Groom te VeldeO wondrous sight, O vision fair
49Trad. French, arr. Alan BullardOf the glorious body telling
50Andrew SmithOur Father
51Claudio CascioliniPanis angelicus (Bread of the angel host)
52Alan BullardPraise be to God!
53Thomas Tallis, arr. Alan BullardPraise God, from whom all blessings flow (All praise, Eternal Son, to thee)
54Martin Luther, arr. David WillcocksRejoice today with one accord
55J. S. Bach, arr. Alan BullardSheep may safely graze
56John Henry MaunderSing to the Lord of harvest
57Trad. Scottish, arr. A. D. MillerSpirit of God, unseen as the wind
58Alan BullardStars that shall be bright (They shall grow not old)
59Ian AssersohnStill small voice
60Freeman Lewis, arr. Rebecca Groom te VeldeTake up your cross, the Saviour said
61Will ToddThe Call of Wisdom
62Melody from Christliche Lieder, arr. Alan BullardThe Lord ascendeth up on high
63Alan BullardThe Lord bless you and keep you
64Paul Leddington WrightWe love the place, O God
65Bob ChilcottThere is a green hill far away
6617th-cent. Dutch, arr. Alan BullardThis joyful Eastertide
67Jonathan WillcocksWise men seeking Jesus
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