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OUP-3361997 - A cappella: Vocal score Default title

A cappella: Vocal score

brand: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780193361997, Stock code: OUP-3361997 new
A collection of 30 choral songs for SATB unaccompanied, both secular and sacred. Diversity and eclecticism are the hallmarks of this collection: the pieces range from two to eight... Read more
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A cappella: Vocal score

A collection of 30 choral songs for SATB unaccompanied, both secular and sacred. Diversity and eclecticism are the hallmarks of this collection: the pieces range from two to eight voices; from monuments of the Renaissance to miniature canons from the Romantic period. There are notes on each piece, and prose translations for non-English texts3361997

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Contents Contents
1AnerioMiraculo d'amore
2AnonSumer is icumen in
3BrahmsWenn Kummer hatte zu toten Macht
4BrucknerChristus factus est
5ByrdLaetentur coeli
6CorneliusAn den sturmwind
7DeringJesu, dulcis memoria
8DufayAve regina coelorum
9FinckAch herzigs Hers
10GesualdoDolcissima mia vita
11GibbonsThe Silver Swan
12GriegGuds son har gjort mig fri
13GumpelzhaimerIubilate Deo
14HaydnTod und Schlaf
15Josquin/GombertLugebat David Absalon
16LassusLa nuit froide et sombre
17LawesShe weepeth sore
18MorleyMiraculous love's wounding
19MozartWo der perlender Wein
20NolaTri ciechi siamo
21PalestrinaBenedictus qui venit
22PurcellHear my prayer, O Lord
23SchubertLacrimoso son io
24SchutzIch bin eine rufende Stimme
25SermisyPuisqu'en amour
26StanfordBeati qyorum via
27SteffensDer Kuckuck
28SweelinckGaudete omnes
29VasquezLos bracos traygo cansados
30WilbyeDraw on, sweet night
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