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NR13910300 - Cantolopera: Cori Celebri Default title

Cantolopera: Cori Celebri

brand: Ricordi
ISBN: 9790041391038, Stock code: NR13910300 new
Choir and Piano Ricordi Cantolopera. product type Score with CD. A product from Ricordi. This unique and exciting series gives you the chance to learn some of the greatest... Read more
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Cantolopera: Cori Celebri

Choir and Piano Ricordi Cantolopera. product type Score with CD. A product from Ricordi. This unique and exciting series gives you the chance to learn some of the greatest arias of the Opera tradition with full orchestral backing tracks. Ricordi's Cantolopera: is a series that proposes a totally new way to approach the new opera repertoire; versions for voice and piano of the most famous arias, accompanied by a compact disc containing the corresponding orchestral bases, recorded with a 130-piece orchestra, to allow the professional, student, or opera fan to practice, as well as a version sung by an established artist for reference. Each volume contains a piano and vocal score, the complete lyrics of the arias, plus a short summary and background information on the orchestra and performers. An excellent rehearsal tool, or the ideal way to introduce your voice to the wonders and rigors of the Opera.13910300

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