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NOV070131 - The King Shall Rejoice - SATB Default title

The King Shall Rejoice - SATB

brand: Novello
ISBN: 9780853601807, Stock code: NOV070131 new
For the occasion of the coronation of King George II and Queen Caroline, which took place in Westminster Abbey on October 11, 1727, Handel wrote four splendid anthems and... Read more
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The King Shall Rejoice - SATB

For the occasion of the coronation of King George II and Queen Caroline, which took place in Westminster Abbey on October 11, 1727, Handel wrote four splendid anthems and personally supervised their performance which was, according to all reports, one of great magnificence. The four anthems were enthusiastically received, and one or more of them has been performed at every British coronation since 1727.

Anthem No. 2 ('The King Shall Rejoice'), although less well-known than Anthem No. 1, is an equally splendid example of Handel's ceremonial style - what Burney has affectionately termed his 'big bow-bow manner'. This work contains an opening Allegro, brilliantand elegant rather than pompous; a grandiose setting of 'Glory and great worship hast thou laid upon him'; and a lively fugal Alleluia as a conclusion.
Arranged for four-part chorus of mixed voices with organ or piano accompaniment. Edited and with keyboard reduction by Edouard Silas.070131

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Coronation Anthem No. 3, HWV260 'The King Shall Rejoice'
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