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M060119255 - MacMillan The Lamb has come for us from the House of David. Default title

MacMillan The Lamb has come for us from the House of David.

brand: Boosey & Hawkes
ISBN: 9790060119255, Stock code: M060119255 new
Sacred setting of words of St Ephraim (c. 306-373) from 1979 and has only recently been released by the composer. The text reflects on both Christ's coming as a... Read more
RRP £3.25
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MacMillan The Lamb has come for us from the House of David.

Sacred setting of words of St Ephraim (c. 306-373) from 1979 and has only recently been released by the composer. The text reflects on both Christ's coming as a child and his sacrifice on the Cross. For SATB with alto divisi and some unison passages; suitable for intermediate standard performers.

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