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F532308 - Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem Default title
F532308 - Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem Default title
F532308 - Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem Default title
F532308 - Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem Default title
F532308 - Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem Default title
F532308 - Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem Default title
F532308 - Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem Default title
F532308 - Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem Default title

Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem

brand: Faber
ISBN: 9780571532308, Stock code: F532308 new
Eternal Light: A Requiem is arranged for an accompanied mixed voices choir with soprano, tenor and baritone solo options. It is by the award-winning British composer and internationally acclaimed... Read more
RRP £11.99
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Goodall Eternal Light : A Requiem

Eternal Light: A Requiem is arranged for an accompanied mixed voices choir with soprano, tenor and baritone solo options. It is by the award-winning British composer and internationally acclaimed broadcaster, Howard Goodall, and is a stunning new Requiem for the modern day. It is intended to provide solace to the grieving, reflecting on the words of the Latin Mass by juxtaposing them with poems in English. Speaking about the work, Howard Goodall said, "For me, a modern Requiem is one that acknowledges the unbearable loss and emptiness that accompanies the death of loved ones, a loss that is not easily ameliorated with platitudes about the joy awaiting us in the afterlife. This, like Brahms’, is a Requiem for the living, addressing their suffering and endurance, a Requiem focussing on the consequences of interrupted lives.”

Goodall's fresh and unorthodox interpretation of the Requiem Mass was released on EMI Classics, performed by Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford and London Musici conducted by Stephen Darlington with soloists Natasha Marsh, Alfie Boe and Christopher Maltman.532308 | Goodall Howard | Goodall Howard | Goodall Howard | Goodall Howard

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Contents Contents
Hymn: Lead, kindly light
Lacrymosa: Do not stand at my grave and weep
Dies Irae: In Flanders Field
Recordare: Drop, drop slow tears
Revelation: Tum angelus tertius clanxit
Agnus Dei
In Paradisium: Lux aeterna
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