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M570261246 - Audrey Podmore And It Was Summertime - For String Quartet Default title

Audrey Podmore And It Was Summertime - For String Quartet

brand: Chamberlain Music
ISBN: 5055964110536, Stock code: M570261246 new
Black Friday Deal – amazing value only whilst stock lasts!
Inspired by the poem 'Summer in England, 1914' by Alice Meynell. Read more
RRP £11.50
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Audrey Podmore And It Was Summertime - For String Quartet

Inspired by the poem 'Summer in England, 1914' by Alice Meynell.

This quartet, recommended by Contemporary Music for Amateurs as 'a work of particular merit' is suitable for intermediate players. It is suggested that harmonics might be substituted for some 'sul tasto' passages. Full instructions in playing 'artificial' harmonics are given for the benefit of those for whom this is a new technique.

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