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1450413 - Eve and that Snake! Default title

Eve and that Snake!

brand: Kevin Mayhew
ISBN: 9781848671294, Stock code: 1450413 new
A hugely entertaining musical This musical tells the familiar story from the book of Genesis but from the point of view of the workers on the plantations in the... Read more
RRP £19.99
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Eve and that Snake!

A hugely entertaining musical This musical tells the familiar story from the book of Genesis but from the point of view of the workers on the plantations in the Deep South of America. It's all great fun with wonderful lyrics and lots of tuneful songs in a variety of styles from hoedown and blues to rock 'n' roll with a little Scott Joplin thrown in for good measure! Eve and that Snake! is not technically demanding but style, pace, timing and vitality are the requirements here (and a large cast!). It is therefore suitable for adults and secondary schools. Running time is approximately 70 minutes.1450413 | Blackburn David | Blackburn David

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